November 8, 2008

It's been years since I've visited Pike Place Market, a well-known tourist attraction near the Seattle waterfront. It's one place where crowds don't bother me (much). And wow, was it crowded today! I loved looking at not only the fresh displays of fruit, vegetables, homemade goodies and fish, but also the crafts, spices, jewelry, clothing, memorabilia and oddities. When we ran out of steam, Tim and I lunched at a tiny Cajun restaurant. It was a great day.
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The scent of the flower displays was amazing. I thought the bunches of kale were very attractive.

The colorful fruit looked sooooo delicious.

And the veggies - wow, there were some I'd never seen before.

If you look carefully, you can see a surprise on the green beans.

My mouth literally watered as I walked past this tub of shrimp.

What a nice display these lobster tails made!

Here are ostrich and emu eggs. There were also duck, goose and quail along with many chicken eggs.

We saw a great variety of pasta, many different shapes, colors and flavors.
I wanted to photograph the chocolate pasta but I couldn't get through the crowd around it.

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