WOODLAND PARK ZOO: November 16, 2010

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A cosy room. Heat lamps. Food-on-a-rope. People to watch. Ahhhhh. Life is good!
The Sloth by Theodore Roethke

In moving-slow he has no Peer.
You ask him something in his Ear,
He thinks about it for a Year;

And, then, before he says a Word
There, upside down (unlike a Bird),
He will assume that you have Heard--

A most Ex-as-per-at-ing Lug.
But should you call his manner Smug,
He'll sigh and give his Branch a Hug;

Then off again to Sleep he goes,
Still swaying gently by his Toes,
And you just know he knows he knows.

In direct contrast are the 2-Toed Sloth's room-mates,the speedy Tamandua Anteaters.

Sleeping on the heated rock with one eye open.

Oh dear friend, I'm so cold. What shall I do?

Practice your 'sad' look. Squeeze out a few moans until they notice and let us back inside.

There's lots of room in here with me, guys. I even have a swimming pool. Heated!

Get a coat like mine! I'm ready for anything. 
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