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We had a good look at this Immature Bald Eagle before he became scared and flew away.

Meanwhile, back on the Nooksack River, a gull watches the Bald Eagle devour his Salmon dinner, hoping for leftovers.
As we drove to our lunchspot, we noticed several trees in which Bald Eagles had gathered. Although this by no means beats our record of 28 eagles in one tree several years ago, it was exciting to see them.
Near the Fish Hatchery, another Great Blue Heron paused for a brief moment, atop a dead tree over a creek.
While we watched the eagles in the river, many more swooped over our heads. I looked up just in time to catch an Immature Bald Eagle checking us out.
This fellow didn't take his eyes off me as I walked past his tree. I wondered if his head was going to swivel around backwards.

Just before we headed for home, I saw a couple of Western Gulls snarfing up the remains of some salmon. I'm sure they were glad to have their turn.

We estimated our total count at 100±10 Bald Eagles, as we weren't sure whether we had counted some twice, or missed counting others. It was a surprisingly great day.

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