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'Please let 2010 be the year I find my missing horn! I resolve to keep looking until I do.'

'We Three Musketeers hereby state that we will be Best Friends Forever for another year.'

'I tell you what. I, the King, am going to visit a Dentist in the New Year!'

'And I promise to sharpen my claws every single day.'
'Good idea Hubert! I shall keep my nails nice and sharp too.'
'I'll always make sure we are within calling distance of each other, sweetie.'

'And we'll cuddle every day, rain or shine.'
'I shall try to act more like a lady. Less burlap, more pretty decorations.'

'I will look out for my sister all the time. She's my best friend.'

'And I promise not to hog this cosy little sleeping cave, okay?'

'If I see you, I'll pop out and say hello more than once a year. How's that?'

'I won't complain so much about what they call "food" around here. I mean, look at it! Blech!'

'I plan to practice good posture. I'll stand straight and tall (if I remember).'

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