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Nope - I'm not moving. I got the hot spot, so there.
And one young lion still likes to sleep next to his sibling and peer over his back now and then.
In the nearby exhibit, Miss Lioness doesn't think much of Hubert's constant sleeping.
Listen up, young Sloth Bears - it's time for wall-climbing exercises.
I dunno about you but I find these quite tedious. Hey look - let's play!
Quick! I think I've got it open at last! Treats!
Uzuuma is singing 'You are my sunshine - my lovely sunshine....'
Oooooh I could sit up here on top of the world all day...
Except I might miss lunch and that would not be a good thing.
Playing in the sunshine - la-la-la...
Too many people = lack of photo ops. Oh well.

I would have thought this was a perfect day for the Snow Leopards
Only this one was out, sleeping in the sun.

Mrs. Siamang waits for her husband, the other half of the singing duo.

He, however, takes time to smell the flowers.
Not a bad idea at all.

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