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Oh forget him for a while. Let's have a little wrestling fun - wheeeee.
Hold it! Look down there, sis!
It's Kuwan. He's hiding in a cave and he thinks we can't see him.
I'm going to sneak up on him and scare him. Here I go!
Oh-oh-ohhhhhhh - it's too slippery. Yikes, I'm sliding towards the water!
Hey sis - let me give you a push...errrr I mean a hand, haha.  Ooooops!
I saw that! I'm telling Ma, Kuwan. You pushed Arizona into the water.
Awwww hush. She's fine, aren't you, Ari?

Of course I'm fine, you two. That was fun. Let's do it again.
Sisters - gotta love 'em.
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