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What did he mean 'play with the football'? What's a football?
Oh no! Over at the lion compound there are only three 'baby' lions left.
One of the young males has gone to a new home in another Zoo.
I bet I'm next! Puh-lease please please don't let them take me. I'll just hide behind you.
And now it is time for 'Fun With An Empty Box'.
Ha-HA - I'm too quick for you! I've got it. Wheeeee!
The game quickly became a wrestling match.
And a Tug O' War'.
There were time-outs for catching one's breath.

And finally Mom called the game off because it was nap time.
The baby giraffe looks forward to a nice warm day so he can race around out on the Savannah.
Family Portrait.
(Left to right: Mom Olivia, Baby Misawa amd Aunt Tufani.)
I am practicing eating and napping at the same time. So far it's not working.
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