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Mom and her three remaining kids were still on the heated rock.
I bet I'm next to go. Look how long my mane is getting. I look so mature!
I hope you don't go, Big Brother. I will miss you sooo much.
Wait! What do you mean I'm going somewhere too? Oh Waaaaaaah!
 check it out on this map. We can sneak along the edge of the Savannah to the log pile, then creep along the grass to the West Entrance and hide in the African Schoolhouse. When it's dark, we'll slide under the gate and wheeee - free at last!
Hey lady with the camera, you didn't hear any of that, did you?
Whatcha doing down there, Bro?
Shhhh, I'm trying to blend in and hide from the Big Scary Thing.

Oh boy I need glasses. I am getting so short-sighted these days. I can barely see the gravel.
Wait! Big scary thing? Oh, I guess Mr Black-and-White means me. Bwhahahahahaha!

The Jaguars were kept inside until nearly noon. When they got out they ran around like little kids who didn't know what to do next.

Hey! here's our old Christmas tree! Maybe there are presents too!
I want to go for a swim but Ma says it's too cold. Phooey!
Here's a nice sunny spot for me. Hey, has anyone seen Ma?
Nope, and she's not over here behind the log either.
We can't see her in the pond. Ma, Ma! Where are you?

There she is, snoozing beside the skylight over the Visitors' Area, in the sunshine.
Life is good.

And finally, it's feeding time for a Snow Leopard.
If you are not faint-hearted, you can see what she's eating by mousing over the image.  

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