Page: One Two

Hey pal! Whatcha doin'? .
Oh, just playing around with this stick. Wanna play?
Thanks - I think I'll just watch today. (I need a good laugh.)
Let's go this way. No, let's go that way. My way is better. No, mine is.
Those silly Zebras will waste the whole day arguing.
A Snow Leopard sleeps in the sunniest spot he can find.

'Hey, was that you calling me?' asks a Steller's Sea Eagle.
Just checking up on you. I didn't see you in your nest.
Shhhhhh. I'm watching for fish for lunch.
All righty then. Wake me when lunch is ready. Okay?

I wish those keepers would hurry up and finish cleaning our rooms.
Anyone wanna go for a run?

Me! Me too! And me! And they're off.

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