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We like to snuggle with Pops too, you know.
Nighty-night everyone. See you soon.
Ahhhhh families. Ain't life grand?
Don't bother me. I'm busy eating my brunch.
Hi lady - long time no see. Notice that Santa gave me a comb this year?
Hey Goat - got any shampoo left? I am starting to look a little shabby. Umm Please?
Whoa Nellie that's a stiff breeze. It's blowing me off my branch.
I might have to hang in with my beak.
Drat. Oh well, I was going to take a bath this morning anyway.
We are cuddling up to keep warm. You should try it.

I swear my water is much warmer than the air today. Watership down!

And that was it for today's trip.    

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