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and the Clark's Nutcrackers.
Down we go, past the huge mountains dotted with meadows.

Though barren now, they'll be green and beautiful in a month or two.
Crater Mountain peeps over the hills.
More and more deciduous trees are seen as we near the Diablo Overlook.
This time we can see Hozomeen Mountain. Canada is behind it.
A Common Raven watches us carefully.
Beautiful Diablo Lake is sapphire blue today. Sometimes it's emerald green.

Here's a close-up of one of the tiny islands. It reminds me of Bonsai.
We have lunch at this pretty spot.
So does another Common Raven, courtesy of Tim and a stale granola bar.

Back we go through the tunnels and homeward bound.
This is one of my favorite Road Trips.

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