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On Sunday we go on a long hike, trying to find Felker's Falls which turned out to be a few hundred feet from the parking lot. We'd set off in the other direction so we went the long, long LONG way around.

Here it is at last - not much water right now but pretty all the same.

And it's time to say good-bye. See you all next time.
Back at Ali's Sydney comes to find us so we can all go for a walk.
Morgan rides her scooter.
And Sydney runs. She runs everywhere and boy, is she fast!
'Dogs must be leashed? No prob.' says Jack. 'I'll just carry my own leash.'
On a very hot day Morgan and I head for the park while Sydney naps.
She plays while I sit and take pictures. Wheeeee!
Peek-a-boo. Computer Grandma.
Morgan loves to climb and she's good at it too. No fear.
Here's Princess Morgan showing off her new tiara, wand and wings.
Sydney has little wings too but she was too busy to stay still for a picture. :D
On my last evening there we have a cupcake party.
Sydney and Morgan choose the cupcakes which look like Minions.
It's fun playing with the icing too.

And afterwards, it's even fun to clean it up.

And so ended the 2015 visit to my home and native land. I noticed a huge change in the kids this time - they learn and grow so quickly. I am looking forward to seeing what is next.

‘Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future.‘ ~ Gail Lumet

Thanks for everything, Ali, David, Morgan, Sydney, Jack, Brian, Beth, Crue and the kitties.

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