The view from Cape Foulweather was breathtaking. It's the highest point on the Oregon Coast.

Cape Foulweather was discovered and named in 1778 by the famous British navigator Captain James Cook. It was at this Point that Captain Cook first sighted the mainland of North America on the Pacific Coast, and one of the sudden storms which greeted his arrival almost put an end to his historical expedition. The fierceness of the storm is reflected by the name he gave this rugged landmark - Cape Foulweather.

Oregon's coast witnesses annual migrations of gray whales twice a year, as they travel between northern waters and their breeding grounds off Mexico. Some pods of whales are residents, and remain near the coast throughout the year.

The best season to see whales along the coast is March (spring migration with calmer oceans and whales swimming average of 1 - 3 miles offshore) through October (July - Oct see the annual "summer resident feeders" within a 7-mile radius of Newport; best ocean conditions of the whole year; whales feeding and swimming 1/2 - 2 miles offshore!)