Our drizzly, gray Saturday was brightened by a trip to Bellingham, Washington, specifically to The Black Drop Coffee Shop to see some Live Journal * friends - ellipse and nyssimi were visiting from Atlanta, GA and I'd looked forward to meeting them. A bonus was a chance to meet teri_lee whom we'd missed the last time we were in Bellingham.

It was great fun, and on top of that, we met several other Live Journal writers whom I'd read from time to time - duffy61, dianalynn, jilliana who popped in just as we were leaving and cheapdialogue whom we met last time we visited The Black Drop.

Yes, they all existed, and were not figments of my imagination. Please click on the thumbnail to see an enlargement and a short note. :))
Holly and Jamey
Teri Lee
Diana Lynn
Teri Lee and Diana Lynn
The  Marquis
Apologies for the poor picture quality - I had problems with the flash today.
* LiveJournal is a personal publishing ("blogging") tool. Many people create online journals which can be read by the public or by other members of Live Journal via "Friends Lists". The people we met today are some of the folks whose journals I enjoy reading.
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