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On Sunday, Tim's sister Mary Jane and her husband Michael hosted a huge family get-together.

Tim's sister Elizabeth had just finished a fund-raising walk of nearly seven miles. We all smiled at her shirt.

Tim's nephew Brendan has a great sense of humor and had us all laughing.
Niece Tara looked like this the day before we arrived. On Thursday she had her hair cut off, donating the cuttings to Locks Of Love, "a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss."

Tara and her Mom Mary Jane enjoy a laugh during the party..

John is Tim's youngest brother. We spent a great evening with him and his wife Joanne on Saturday. Joanne wasn't able to make it to the family party because of a previous commitment.

Elizabeth's husband Dale (top) and Mary Jane's husband Michael show how thrilled they are with the football game they're watching. ;-)


Here are the girls.

Left to right: Ang, Beth, Elizabeth, Tim's Mom Jane, Mary Jane and her daughter Tara.

And here's a picture of the O'Donoghue Kids.

Left to right, in order of age:
Tim, Mary Jane, Tom, Elizabeth and John

I wanted to see the new Westfield Children's Museum which is under construction.

Tim's sister Mary Jane was instrumental in creating the first Westfield Children's Museum, and has been the driving force behind the new one. It was awesome to see the it taking shape.

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