On Saturday we headed to the Skagit Valley once again, hoping to see Tundra and Trumpeter Swans as they migrated along the Puget Sound section of the Pacific Flyway.

Our resident Sapsucker wished us a good trip as we left.

As we were heading towards the Swan viewing area we stopped to
look at 5 Bald Eagles in a tree.  Turning around, I saw this!

Clear the decks!  I'm coming in for a landing!

I'm the King of the Castle, and you're the silly rascals!

Hey kid!  Look where you're going and signal your turns!

Last one to the Pine Tree is a dirty rotten egg.

Hey, look at me!  I can make my wings go all wibbly-wobbly!

If you kids think this is hard work, you're in for a shock!  Get up and get moving!

Are those two smooching again?  Hey you two - get a room!

Heh, watching these kids is better than TV!

Not far away a couple of swans were enjoying a quiet swim.
Sadly the area we'd hoped to see crammed with swans was totally bare.
Not a swan was to be seen.  So we rambled around the roads anyway.

A smallish Rough-legged Hawk took a good look at us.

We figured he hadn't yet learned he was supposed to fly away from people.

Well, look at that!   Swans move up and down the furrows, foraging for food.

Others have spread out in green fields to dine on grass.

We watched them come and go for a while.

Tundra Swans have small yellow spots on their dark bills.
Trumpeter Swans are larger with a black bill.

Off he goes - and so do we.
What a nice day it was.

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