Super Bowl Sunday - February 5, 2006
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Primroses and pansies also made splashes of color in gardens.

Some of the plants looked a bit ummm chewed, but this one was in splendid condition.

Camellia bushes are also blooming - how beautiful they are, with their vibrant colors and waxy leaves.

A cabbage left over from last season nestled in a garden bed. Its holey leaves were rather delicate and pretty.

And of course the dandelions are rearing their little yellow heads.

It doesn't take them long to decide that Spring is just around the corner.

Something else I enjoy about my walks here are the various sorts of decorations I see in and around people's houses.

Here, an Inukshuk stood proudly beneath a tree.

Further along, a pair of clogs which had seen better days stood in a flower bed.

It's so difficult to get rid of "garbage" here in the Recycling Center Of The Universe that I half-wondered if it was easier just to chuck it in the garden.

This little fellow sat wistfully under a tree, no doubt wishing it would warm up just a bit! :)
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