Super Bowl Sunday - February 5, 2006
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Oh my goodness, I almost burst out laughing when I glanced into this yard. The wooden camel was HUGE - I would say it was almost life-size, and it had the most mischievous look in its eye.

Mr. Frog looks as if he is sharing a joke, or maybe he is laughing at the camel just down the street.

Here's a pretty fish sculpture in another garden.

I had a short chat with the gentleman who lives in the house with the seasonally-decorated Theme Tree.

He was trying to repair a branch which had come down in yesterday's violent windstorms.

I was quite surprised that the tree didn't flaunt Seattle Seahawks decorations.

Instead, Valentine trinkets were already in place.

The man told me that his wife had collected the valentines over many years (and still buys them, much to his dismay).

He also admitted that the worst part of trying to keep the tree interesting and lighted was when some of the tiny lights gave out, and he had to try to figure out which string needed replacing.

Last but not least, I included this picture to show the gorgeous blue sky here today.

And Santa, of course. ;-)

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