Westport Weekend 2011

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The Wildlife Refuge is a stop for many kinds of birds during migration season.
We walked all the way out to the end of the boardwalk.
Another Great Blue Heron keeps an eye on us.
The round trip is 4 miles. Boy, were we ready for lunch after that so we ate in the car beside one of the large ponds. A Bald Eagle kept watch over us.

We continued on to Westport, arriving about 4 p.m. After unpacking we headed out to Bennett's restaurant for dinner and a quiet evening. The weather forecast was even worse.

  Day Two: Weatherbeaten

Although we awoke to the howling winds and lashing rain we decided to go out exploring anyway. You can't tell in this picture but the rain is actually blowing sideways and it took about a minute for us to get drenched.
We motored up the coast a little, then turned inland. I took pictures of signs. 'There is disagreement over the meaning of Humptulips—either “cold area” or “tough to pole" <- refers to the Humptulips River.'
Bwhahaha - here's our lunch view - Westport Harbor through the car windshield. We didn't care, because we were eating the best fish and chips that either of us had ever eaten.
After a few more stops to see sodden sand and thick clouds and fog we gave up.
Later we returned to Bennett's for dinner and a laugh over our day. Cheers!

Bennett's wasn't empty for long! The food is wonderful here and so are the surroundings.
Tim peruses the menu.
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