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A Giraffe paced back and forth in his pen, looking wistfully towards the Savannah area.
The King seemed at a loose end too, as his Queen was nowhere to be seen. Every so often he'd let loose a loud and plaintive roar.
A couple of scruffy-looking Sloth Bears romped playfully over the rocks and logs, looking for snacks.
Next to the Sloth Bears, a Sun Bear scurried around looking for food as well. He didn't stay out in the open for very long.
I took a small side trip into the very humid Wild Bird exhibit. A couple of budgerigars thought it was still Valentine's Day, as they smooched away.
And these three were so funny. They were yammering away like three little old men having an argument. It even got physical from time to time!
A Rosella watched the proceedings from high above. Several of these beautiful parrots flew here and there.
A number of Cockatiels hovered up close to the ceiling. Despite signs asking people not to make loud noises, several children were determined to make the birds fly. And fly they did, in a huge cloud, around and around.
"I'm HUNGRY!" grumbled the Brown Bear as he attempted to shift the gigantic rock, looking for his lunch.
Aww, chill out, don't sweat it, advised the Orangutan. He was swinging lazily back and forth in his hammock. That was a good place to be.
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