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"Whatcha looking at, Bud?" thinks the Yellow-headed Blackbird. There were several of these gorgeous birds in the cattails as well.

I'm fairly sure that in another couple of weeks, the ponds and the shore will be alive with birds.

We continued on through the Wildlife Preserve. The water level was quite low because of the lack of precipitation this winter.

One couple we met thought the Sandhill Cranes had moved on early because of the lack of water.

In the park we found a good spot for lunch. This is Soda Lake. Here is Tim, unpacking the basket.

I'm admiring the view here. It was warm enough to be without a coat in the sunshine, but in the shade it was a tad cool because of a breeze.

I love the variety of landscapes in this park. Here's is some basalt rock.

As we left the park and drove west, we passed the flat farmlands. Irrigation machines posed in the fields like strange alien insects.

Farm workers were busy in many areas, working on trees and vines, or plowing fields, and some fields had already been planted.

We also watched a crop duster spraying fields at a farm.

The landscape on this side of the mountains is very different from that of Western Washington.

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