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In a small pond near the hippo pool was a flock of fuzzy little Mallard Ducklings.

They were adorable!

One of the elephants kept hopping from foot to foot, as if she was doing a strange kind of a dance.

I had to chuckle, watching her. It reminded me of someone I know, dancing. :D

Three Lion-tailed Macaques were out today! It was great to see them as they've been pretty reclusive all winter.

I love their faces - they look so world-weary, sometimes.

As for the orangutans, they were pretty scarce today. Some were napping high up in their hammocks and those who were outside had covered themselves with their favorite pieces of burlap.
It's very strange to go to the Tiger grotto and see no babies frolicking. Father Tiger paced around and roared during his time in the public view.
He went inside and Mother Tiger ventured out, very daintily.
Here's Dad again, roaring for his lunch.
The original little Arctic Fox now has a companion, but I've never seen them together. They sit miles apart and stare in opposite directions.
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