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Here's the new companion. The musk smell is extremely strong in this area of the Zoo - whewwww!

I couldn't believe my luck today! Both Grizzly Bears were in the water and appeared to be play-fighting. Indeed, they came right up to the window, wrestling and shoving each other like two rowdy kids.

Teeth were bared and there was a great deal of scuffling and splashing but it was all in good fun.

At last one plopped down for a rest.

It was hard to tell what he was eating. When he finally relinquished his grip and moved, it appeared to be a bone of some sort.
A keeper began to throw them apples and other morsels of food, and they moved very quickly towards the goodies, despite their size.
"Don't even THINK about it, Mr Crow" snarls the Grizzly Bear.
The River Otters were also very active today and I wasted many pixels trying to get a shot of one. I finally got lucky.

And as I headed for home, I couldn't resist taking a picture of this fellow against the backdrop of the pretty blue Seattle skies today.

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