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Further along the trail in the last picture were some strange log formations.
Tim wondered if they were to do with the cycling sports in the Park.

I'm always looking for a Fun-gi (besides Tim, I mean). There were lots around today.

Some were so delicate and almost translucent.

And oh, the Wild Bleeding Hearts - there were huge patches of them.

Trilliums are the Provincial Flower of Ontario in my home and native land.

It was hard to choose three pictures as I took so many.

They were some of the biggest Trilliums I've ever seen.

I liked the pattern of these leaves.

Whew - made it to the end still smiling. That was a strenuous hike.

Tim ended the trip at the sign, figuring out how far we had walked. (3.5 miles)

Page Three shows a few pictures from Sunday's trip.

Page One • Two

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