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Here I am admiring the flowers in a gazebo on the Museum grounds.
Tim provides some scale to a display of the giant log on a logging car.
In a holding area were some very old trains.
Here's a spot for a picnic, right beside an old Army train.
We kinda wished we could peek in the windows but alas, a heavy fence surrounded most of the trains.
As we walked back to the depot, a train pulling antique coaches passed us. The passengers smiled and waved like mad. We decided then and there to have a ride too, so back to the depot we raced.
No fancy upholstered seats for us! We decided to 'kick it Old School' and bounce along in this rustic carriage. Oh boy, it was fun!
I sat across from this good-looking chap. ;-)
Wheeee, lost in thought and back in another era.

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