Woodland Park Zoo
July 2, 2008
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African Wild Dog

Usually the wild dogs are sound asleep but today they were racing around.
Perhaps the heat reminds them of Africa.

The Lion King

This is all we saw of him today - totally flopped out in the shade.

Reticulated Giraffe

The giraffes still turned up at feeding time, ready for their closeups.

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

Three hippos were literally hoovering up the straw like crazy.

Nothing distracted them.


So what's up with the South Beach Diet? Think it would work for me?


I wonder if this guy is looking for his pal?
A couple of weeks ago, one of the three zebras was euthanized.


An advantage of an afternoon visit is that the flamingos were actually awake!
This one had a loud and very splashy bath right in front of us.

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