Woodland Park Zoo
July 2, 2008
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At one point, several flamingos began to flap their wings quickly.

Most of them ruffled their feathers up so they looked 'big'.
We saw two keepers inside the exhibit, preparing dinner.

Red Panda

Sadly, we don't see the Red Panda much any more.
The good viewing area has vanished because of the Flamingo exhibit.

Colobus Monkeys

I smother a chuckle when I look at this worried little old man.

These two are trying to decide whether to jump down and fetch dinner..

Malayan Sun Bear

That's just about all we saw of this guy. He vanished very quickly.

Sloth Bear

We made one last attempt to see a few animals we missed.
The Sloth Bears co-operated.

Sumatran Tiger

A tiger strolled along the back of the grotto then she vanished.

With that, Paula and I headed for home and our dinners too.

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