Woodland Park Zoo ~ August 10, 2008

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'Oh what the heck. Let's give them a concert anyway!'

'Heh. I just love listening to those guys sing!' chortles one of the Hippos.

'Well some of us like to sleep, ya know!' grumbles another.
'Me? I like to keep time with my tail.' says the Giraffe.
Making one more trip to Gorilla Troop Two I was rewarded with this scene.
'Mum says I'm supposed to stay on the ground today. Maybe when she's not looking...'
'Hey! There's a monkey on my back!' laughs Amanda
'I love my Mummy, but she's a bit of a helicopter Mum.' thinks Uzuuma.

Some of the flamingos seemed to be having a sit-down strike.

And with that I got tired of the crowds and headed for home.

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