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If you feel like climbing, I'll share too.

Their keeper had arranged a long bamboo pole up in the trees for them. They enjoyed it very much. He was going to take it down for a few days so they wouldn't get bored.
Mr Greedy tries for more grapes.
A couple of the Lemurs waited for the grapes to fall down to them. Smart!
Hey Babe - see any grapes coming our way? Nope - 'fraid not.
It was supposed to be nap time for the lions. Xerxes keeps an eye on the troublemakers.

What time is it? I know! It's Wrestling time! Where's our bro?
Do you know how sick and tired I am of this stupid game every day? I've tried to ignore them but they jump on me. Read my lips. I HATE WRESTLING.
Hi Ma - they're at it again. *Sighhhhhh*
This Siamang lost her singing partner early this year. A new partner is currently being introduced to the exhibit. They have already sung a duet or two in private so it looks like a good match.
A baby porcupine's (porcupette's) quills are soft and bendable at first and begin hardening after the first week.

Yep - my brother and I are still here. We're slower but we can still catch those fish! I am considering asking for a fishing pole and some bait though.
And as always, the Maned Wolf is dozing. See you next time (and please stand up???)
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