After several weeks away I was pleased to go and visit the animals at the Zoo. The day started out cool but warmed up very quickly. The warmer it got the less active the creatures became.

Little did I know that I would be in for a big surprise.

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A Red Panda popped up to say good-morning and 'Aren't I cute?'

The Red-ruffed Lemurs were making a VERY loud noise in their grotto.
Egad, what a racket - it's enough to wake the ummm ancestors.
Next stop was my new favorite animals, the Ring-tailed Lemurs.
Why does everyone keep calling me 'Buddha?' Or 'Jabba?'.
Hey Bro - see any treats coming our way yet?
I dunno. There's Dave, our keeper and he has someone with him.

Hey - it's that lady with the camera!
Woohoo! She's bringing us our treats!
The keeper took me right into the exhibit to feed the lemurs some grapes.
How cool was that!
They are gentle creatures and took the grapes from my hand.
Oh dear - I was napping. Am I too late? Are there any grapes left?
Who's looking for grapes? I have some extras.

Come and join me and we'll have a picnic.
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