Canada Trip 2008
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Near the park was a great view of Lake Ontario, so Crue and Brian went to the shore to talk to the geese.

Next we went to a park which featured a stroll through the woods towards the lake.

Crue travelled by car for this part of the day.

'C'mon you guys! Speed it up a bit.'

'Oh, it's Grandma pushing. No wonder we are going so slowly!'
Beth discovered a small garter snake nestled in the rocks beside the path.
On Friday we took a long walk through the neighborhood. Crue was determined to walk.

Here he goes with his monkey on his back. What a great idea! The monkey is attached to a 'leash' so it is easier to keep up with Mr Crue as he dashes around.


I saw some goldfinches at a feeder on someone's front porch. They were so bright and cheerful.

Crue says 'Hi, hi, hi!' to everyone he sees. One of the folks he greeted went into her house and brought out her pet python to show him.

Here he is at the park, showing his pal Delaware a good time. He's wearing his Harley jacket, a present from Auntie Ali.

On Saturday morning, Ali came to take me back to her place for the rest of the long weekend. At that point, I think I forgot I had a camera, because I took no more pictures. Bah!

It was another wonderful trip, and I thank my family for letting me share their lives for ten days.

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