Mount Vernon, Deception Pass and Whidbey Island
Saturday, March 6th, 2004

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They're quite a sight, these rows of daffodils stretching as far as the eye can see.

In a month or so, the nearby fields will be ablaze with endless rows of tulips.

From time to time we saw workers harvesting the crop and later, the bulbs will be harvested as well.


Now it was lunchtime so we stopped at Deception Pass State Park. This is a view from the West Beach, looking across at some of the San Juan Islands. Usually you can see the Olympic Mountains but it was too hazy today.

A little sparrow chipped away at us from some bushes.

Sparrows frustrate me because they are small and all look alike ;-) I think this one might be a fox sparrow.

I dunno.

A rufous sided towhee was checking out the garbage cans near our picnic table.
After lunch we drove back to the bridge over Deception Pass.

"The name 'Deception Pass' is derived from Captain Vancouver's realization that what he had mistaken for a peninsula was actually an island. The captain named the inlet at which he was anchored to commemorate the error."

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