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Stuart Malcolm Thomas was born on May 19th, 1946.

The story was told that when Dorothy brought him home from the hospital, little Angela, who was about a year and a half old, ran out of the kitchen with a lettuce leaf, which she put over his face.

As a child, Stu was known for getting "soakers" in Red Hill Creek and for his extraordinary skill/luck at finding money. His most famous line was "I didn't THROW it...I TOSSED it." This was delivered to the principal of the school following a lengthy interrogation after Stu had been accused by the lunchroom supervisor of "throwing garbage" into the pail - a "no-no".

Stu sits still long enough for his picture
to be taken

I believe this picture was
taken in Canada

Stu and Meriel

Stu loved the kiddy-car.

A couple of English kiddies visit
Hyde Park - September, 1952

This was probably a very cold swim
in England. The bathing suits that
*ahem* two of the kids are wearing
are hand-knitted, and drooped and
sagged like heck when they got wet.

Here we are in Canada, in the garden
of the first house we stayed at (31 Glenside Avenue). And
there is Stu's beloved wagon.

In front of our house in Hamilton -
33 Carene Avenue. Stu is 7 or 8
at this time.

Grade 8 student Stu receives the IODE Music award at graduation.
This was in the newpaper.