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Known in reality as the Miller Tree Inn, this house had been designated as the Cullen House. This is where I jostled with all the little kids cosying up to the porch trying to take a picture of the sign.

I don't think this sign stops people from knocking on the door anyway. Some kids went inside but I scurried back to the car.

Even the mailbox had a token name on it.

Forks Outfitters likes to pretend that this is where Bella worked but a local inhabitant told me it was more likely she would have worked at a smaller place in the town.

We hit paydirt at the Visitors Bureau. I became quite excited to see Bella's much loved old truck outside in full view.

There was a notice in the Visitors Bureau window, and a green sign which announced Forks: population 3,475, vampires 8.5.

Next we found Forks Hospital and Dr. Cullen's parking spot. A motorcycle was currently using the space.

And last but not least, this house had been chosen as the Swan residence because of its structure. I would bet that the owners are weary of people coming up their driveway to take pictures.

A small sign in the driveway announces the 'residents'.

Here is a note from Stephenie Meyer's website on how and why she chose Forks for the setting.

''For my setting, I knew I needed someplace ridiculously rainy. I turned to Google, as I do for all my research needs, and looked for the place with the most rainfall in the U.S. This turned out to be the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. I pulled up maps of the area and studied them, looking for something small, out of the way, surrounded by forest... And there, right where I wanted it to be, was a tiny town called "Forks." It couldn't have been more perfect if I had named it myself. I did a Google image search on the area, and if the name hadn't sold me, the gorgeous photographs would have done the trick...In researching Forks, I discovered the La Push Reservation, home to the Quileute Tribe. The Quileute story is fascinating, and a few fictional members of the tribe quickly became intrinsic to my story.'

So that was it - our own tour of Twilight. It was fun to see these places and now when I read the book I'll be able to imagine a lot of the locales.

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