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This was one of two buildings which both claimed the title of City Hall. I don't know which one was the real one.
I read that 300 weddings a year are performed in the Shaniko Wedding Chapel, but I am not sure whether they are nowadays, as most of the town is for sale and closed up, including the beautifully refurbished Hotel.
After an appalling meal at the Big Timber restaurant in Fossil, we passed this fellow in the front yard of the Bed and Breakfast which had been our first choice in the area. In the background are many motorcycles, which are the reason we couldn't get a room. Perhaps it's just as well, as there appeared to be only two dining places in town, one being the aforementioned Big Timber, and the other which was rated behind the BT.
On Saturday morning we headed out of town, meandering our way south, west, then north, heading for the Portland area. Oh my goodness, we saw so many Mule Deer at that time of the morning.
Some of them didn't pay any attention at all to me as I hopped out of the car and stalked them with my camera. I think these were young 'uns, because of their velvety antlers.
Further down the road we drove past the menacing stare of a Turkey Vulture. He posed nicely for a picture.

Incredibly, he'd come from a field next to this house where there must have been at least 30 or 40 or these birds.

Imagine looking out of your window and seeing that!

It gave me an eerie feeling, especially when they all flew at once, circled once or twice then perched again.

A closer look at my photo showed me what some of these vultures might be looking at!

Now we're winding our way through the mountains. It was amazing to see farms dotting the landscape here and there, 'way up high on top of the mountains.
Here's a building in the Ghost Town of Richmond. The advent of the automobile enabled the small group of ranchers to get out to other towns to buy their supplies, and eventually everyone left (although we saw signs that some of the buildings might be sort of inhabited).
The little church was nestled very picturesquely amidst the sage bushes and trees, with a golden hill behind.
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