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The roadside was alive with wildflowers.
Click if you would like to see some.

After walking quite some distance to check out the road, we decided, on the advice of a hiker, to continue by car. Omigosh, WHAT a road for someone like me who tends to suffer from fear of heights and vertigo! The hairpin turns were SO severe that we had to stop, back up, go forward, back up, and go forward again around several of them. Imagine doing this on a less-than-one lane track full of boulders, with no guard rails and a sheer drop. And imagine meeting a car coming the other way, which also happened a number of times! I could not bear to get out my camera, because I was huddled in the seat with my eyes closed *grin*.

It was, however, totally worth it. At the top were two crystal blue lakes, with a small waterfall between them. The view was lovely indeed.

Click to see a wider angle shot.

One of the lakes had small patches of snow remaining on it.

Click to see a wider angle shot.

The water was truly beautiful, so clear and blue.

Even though I am smiling, I am NOT looking forward to the trip back down.

We made it, and Tim should get a medal for his wonderful driving. It was a lovely spot, but it will take me a while to get over the memories of those hairpin turns!

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